Should you Stroke the Woke - Understanding Wokeness in America Today


In today's America, the term "Woke" or "Wokeness" has become increasingly prominent in discussions surrounding social and political issues. It's a term that's used to describe a certain mindset and awareness of social injustices, particularly related to race, gender, and other identity-based factors. This blog post aims to delve into the concept of Wokeness, explore what it means, and address various questions and concerns associated with it.

What is Woke/Wokeness?

Wokeness is a term that has its origins in African American Vernacular English (AAVE) and has evolved to represent a state of heightened awareness about social and political issues, particularly those related to systemic racism and inequality. Being "Woke" implies that an individual is acutely attuned to the injustices faced by marginalized communities and is actively working to combat these issues.

At its core, Wokeness is driven by a desire for social justice and equality. It often involves advocating for policies and practices that aim to rectify historical and systemic disparities, such as racial discrimination, gender inequality, and economic inequity. Those who identify as Woke typically engage in activism, education, and advocacy to bring about change in these areas.

Woke in America | Source: Wikipedia

If you're not woke then what are you?

The term "Woke" is often used in a binary sense, implying that if someone is not Woke, they are unaware or indifferent to social injustices. However, it's essential to recognize that people exist along a spectrum of awareness and engagement. Not everyone who isn't explicitly Woke is necessarily apathetic or ignorant; they may simply have different perspectives or priorities.

People who are not explicitly Woke may still care about social issues but approach them differently. They might support different solutions or have reservations about certain aspects of the Wokeness movement. It's important not to pigeonhole individuals solely based on whether they identify as Woke or not.

Can someone be Woke and Anti-Woke at the same time?

While it might seem contradictory, it is possible for individuals to hold certain woke beliefs while also being critical of certain aspects of the Wokeness movement. Wokeness is not a monolithic ideology; it encompasses a wide range of views and approaches.

Some individuals may embrace the core principles of social justice and equality associated with Wokeness while disagreeing with specific tactics or strategies employed by certain activist groups. They might be concerned about issues such as cancel culture, ideological purity, or the stifling of free speech.

Being Woke and Anti-Woke at the same time represents a nuanced perspective that recognizes both the importance of addressing social injustices and the potential pitfalls of certain methods used in pursuit of those goals.

How should someone stay Neutral to Woke idea mindset?

Maintaining neutrality in discussions about Wokeness can be challenging, given the highly polarized nature of the topic. However, it's essential to approach these discussions with an open mind and a commitment to respectful dialogue. Here are some tips for staying neutral:

  1. Educate Yourself: To stay neutral, it's crucial to understand the various perspectives within the Wokeness movement and the critiques against it. Read widely and engage with diverse sources to gain a comprehensive understanding.
  2. Listen Actively: When engaging in conversations about Wokeness, listen attentively to the viewpoints of others, even if they differ from your own. Encourage open and respectful dialogue.
  3. Avoid Stereotyping: Resist the temptation to stereotype individuals based on their views on Wokeness. Recognize that people's opinions can be nuanced and multifaceted.
  4. Seek Common Ground: Identify areas of agreement and shared goals. Even if you have differing viewpoints, there may be common ground on certain issues related to social justice.
  5. Stay Informed: Stay up-to-date with current events and developments related to Wokeness and social justice. Being well-informed allows you to engage in discussions more effectively.

What are the risks of getting too involved in such a polarizing topic?

Getting deeply involved in discussions about Wokeness carries both benefits and risks. On the one hand, engagement can lead to a better understanding of social injustices and drive positive change. On the other hand, there are potential risks to consider:

  1. Burnout: Advocating for social justice can be emotionally taxing. Constant exposure to stories of injustice and inequality can lead to burnout and mental fatigue.
  2. Social Division: Engaging passionately in debates about Wokeness can sometimes lead to strained relationships with friends, family, or colleagues who hold differing views.
  3. Misrepresentation: In highly polarized debates, individuals may feel misrepresented or misunderstood, leading to frustration and disillusionment.
  4. Confirmation Bias: Immersing oneself in a particular ideological echo chamber can reinforce confirmation bias and limit exposure to diverse perspectives.
  5. Lack of Nuance: Overzealous activism can sometimes lead to an oversimplified view of complex issues, potentially neglecting nuance and alternative solutions.

What are the risks of not getting involved and wording your opinion one-way or another?

Choosing not to get involved in discussions about Wokeness also comes with its own set of risks:

  1. Silence in the Face of Injustice: Remaining silent may be seen as complicity in the perpetuation of social injustices. It can be challenging to justify neutrality when pressing issues are at stake.
  2. Missed Opportunities for Learning: By avoiding engagement, individuals may miss valuable opportunities to learn from others and expand their perspectives.
  3. Impact on Social Change: A lack of involvement can hinder collective efforts to address systemic inequalities and achieve social change.
  4. Misunderstandings: Others may misinterpret silence as indifference or ignorance, potentially damaging personal and professional relationships.
  5. Limited Empathy: Not engaging with issues related to Wokeness may limit one's ability to empathize with the experiences of marginalized communities.

What should Small Business do in the Wake of Wokeness Culture in America?

Small businesses, like all entities, should carefully consider their stance on Wokeness and its implications. Here are some steps small businesses can take in response to the Wokeness culture in America:

  1. Understand Your Values: Small businesses should clarify their core values and principles. Determine whether aligning with Wokeness aligns with your company's mission and vision.
  2. Stay Informed: Keep abreast of current social justice issues and the evolving discourse around Wokeness to make informed decisions.
  3. Foster Inclusivity: Promote inclusivity and diversity within your organization. This can include hiring practices, company policies, and creating an inclusive workplace culture.
  4. Engage with the Community: Listen to your customers and community to understand their expectations and concerns regarding Wokeness.
  5. Communicate Authentically: If your business chooses to take a stance on Wokeness, communicate your position authentically and transparently.
  6. Support Causes: Consider supporting causes that align with your values through donations or partnerships with organizations working towards social justice.


In conclusion, Wokeness is a complex and multifaceted topic that continues to shape discussions and actions in America today. Whether individuals choose to embrace it, critique it, or remain neutral, it's essential to approach these discussions with empathy, open-mindedness, and a commitment to constructive dialogue. Small businesses, in particular, should carefully consider their role in the Wokeness culture and how it aligns with their values and goals. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to "Stroke the Woke" should be a thoughtful and informed one.