Inflation Alert - Mid-2024 Price Increases - How They Impact Your Small Business - image showing inflation graphs


As inflation continues to impact the global economy, small-to-medium-sized businesses (SMBs) need to understand the potential consequences and strategies to navigate these challenges. Recent reports on inflation from various sources highlight critical insights and provide actionable steps for businesses to minimize the impact. Here’s what you need to know and how to prepare for potential price increases over the coming months.

  1. Understanding the Current Inflation Landscape
  2. Impact of Inflation on Small Businesses
  3. Top 10 Recommendations to Mitigate Inflation Impact
  4. Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid
  5. Top 10 FAQs about Inflation and Small Business
  6. Incorporating Expert Insights: Navigating Inflation with Knowledge

1. Understanding the Current Inflation Landscape

Inflation Trends

Recent data from FactSet and other sources indicate that consumer price index (CPI) inflation rates are fluctuating but remain high. April 2024 saw a year-over-year CPI increase of 3.4%, while wholesale inflation, as measured by the Producer Price Index (PPI), hit its highest rate in a year at 2.2% (Wallace, 2024). These trends suggest that inflation is not abating as quickly as hoped.

“The concern here is that we now have a trend, an upward trend in producer prices, which can only be passed through to consumers and result in upward pressure on consumer price inflation over the coming months.” - Kurt Rankin, PNC Financial Services Group (Wallace, 2024).

According to the April 2024 NABE Business Conditions Survey, while sales and profit margins have risen, there is less optimism about growth in the coming months (NABE, 2024). “The April 2024 Business Conditions Survey results suggest a still-strong business environment, with more respondents than in the January survey reporting rising sales and profit margins in the previous three months,” said Ellen Zentner, NABE President.

2. Impact of Inflation on Small Businesses

Effects on Business Operations

Inflation has a profound effect on business operations, particularly for small businesses that might not have the same financial buffers as larger corporations. Increased costs for raw materials, labor, and services can squeeze profit margins, making it essential for businesses to stay agile and responsive.

Price Adjustments

As prices rise, small businesses often face the challenge of adjusting their pricing without losing customers. This balance is crucial to maintain profitability while staying competitive. “It’s a pretty critical short-term report,” says Keith Lerner, co-chief investment officer at Truist Advisory Services, emphasizing the importance of monitoring inflation data closely (Krauskopf, 2024).

3. Top 10 Recommendations to Mitigate Inflation Impact

  1. Adjust Pricing Strategically: Regularly review and adjust your pricing strategy to reflect increased costs without alienating customers. Use data-driven insights to make informed decisions.

  2. Enhance Operational Efficiency: Streamline operations to reduce waste and improve productivity. This can help offset increased costs.

  3. Negotiate with Suppliers: Engage in proactive negotiations with suppliers to secure better rates or more favorable terms. Carlos Herrera, NABE Business Conditions Survey Chair, observed, “Almost two-thirds of panelists expect prices charged to remain unchanged in the next three months” (NABE, 2024).

  4. Diversify Supply Chains: Reduce reliance on a single supplier or region to mitigate the risk of supply chain disruptions.

  5. Invest in Technology: Implement technologies that improve efficiency and reduce costs over time.

  6. Focus on Cash Flow Management: Monitor and manage cash flow closely to ensure liquidity during periods of price volatility.

  7. Build Strong Customer Relationships: Foster loyalty through excellent service and communication, helping to retain customers even during price increases.

  8. Increase Financial Resilience: Set aside reserves to cushion against unforeseen expenses or economic downturns.

  9. Explore Alternative Revenue Streams: Diversify your product or service offerings to reduce dependency on a single income source.

  10. Stay Informed: Keep abreast of economic trends and adjust strategies as necessary. Use resources like the NABE surveys to gauge market conditions.

4. Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Ignoring Market Trends: Failing to keep up with inflation data and economic forecasts can leave your business unprepared.

  2. Delaying Price Adjustments: Waiting too long to adjust prices can erode profit margins and damage your financial health.

  3. Overextending Credit: Avoid taking on too much debt in uncertain economic times.

  4. Neglecting Customer Communication: Not informing customers about price changes can lead to dissatisfaction and loss of business.

  5. Failing to Diversify: Relying on a single supplier or product line can increase risk during inflationary periods.

  6. Cutting Costs Indiscriminately: Reducing expenses without a strategic plan can harm your business operations and quality.

  7. Underestimating the Impact of Inflation: Not taking inflation seriously can lead to inadequate preparation and severe financial consequences.

  8. Overlooking Employee Needs: Failing to support your employees during tough times can result in decreased morale and productivity.

  9. Ignoring Cash Flow Issues: Poor cash flow management can lead to insolvency during prolonged inflation periods.

  10. Neglecting Financial Planning: Without a solid financial plan, your business may struggle to navigate economic challenges.

5. Top 10 FAQs about Inflation and Small Business

  1. What is inflation?

    • Inflation is the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services rises, eroding purchasing power.
  2. How does inflation affect small businesses?

    • It increases the cost of goods and services, affecting profit margins and operational costs.
  3. What are the signs of rising inflation?

    • Increased costs for raw materials, higher wages, and rising prices for goods and services.
  4. How can small businesses manage price increases?

    • By adjusting pricing strategies, improving efficiency, and negotiating with suppliers.
  5. What are the risks of not adjusting prices?

    • Reduced profit margins, financial strain, and potential business failure.
  6. How does inflation impact customer behavior?

    • Customers may become more price-sensitive, reducing spending or seeking alternatives.
  7. What are core inflation and headline inflation?

    • Core inflation excludes volatile food and energy prices, while headline inflation includes them.
  8. How can technology help combat inflation?

    • By improving efficiency, reducing costs, and providing data for informed decision-making.
  9. What role do suppliers play in managing inflation?

    • Suppliers can affect costs and terms; negotiating better deals can help manage inflation impacts.
  10. Why is cash flow management crucial during inflation?

    • Ensuring liquidity helps businesses weather economic uncertainties and maintain operations.

6. Incorporating Expert Insights: Navigating Inflation with Knowledge

Understanding the nuances of inflation and its impact on small businesses requires attention to expert insights. Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s observation, “It may be that the Fed’s rate policy is hitting the economy not quite as strongly as it would have if those two things were not the case,” highlights the intricate relationship between monetary policy and inflation (Rugaber, 2024).

Additionally, Sam Bullard from Wells Fargo points out, “Although volatile, non-discretionary categories have outpaced discretionary on trend for the past year,” emphasizing the need to understand diverse consumer spending behaviors during inflationary times (Smart, 2024).

Marc Bernard, President of GoVets, underscores the importance of vigilance, stating, “As a small business, it is critical for us to stay ahead of these inflation and price trends to remain competitive and ensure our long-term viability.”

These insights underscore the necessity for SMBs to stay informed and agile in response to inflationary pressures, ensuring they can adapt and thrive despite economic challenges.


  • Krauskopf, L. (2024). Hopes for 'soft landing' at stake as investors await US inflation data. Reuters. Link
  • Rugaber, C. (2024). Latest US inflation report may provide clues to future path of prices and interest rates. AP News. Link
  • Smart, T. (2024). U.S. Economy to Get a Price Check This Week With Twin Reports on Inflation. U.S. News & World Report. Link
  • Wallace, A. (2024). US wholesale inflation just hit its highest rate in a year. CNN. Link
  • NABE. (2024). April 2024 Business Conditions Survey Summary. National Association for Business Economics. Link

By staying informed and proactive, SMBs can better navigate the challenges posed by inflation and continue to thrive in a volatile economic environment.