New Years Resolution Recommendations for your business or organization


As the new year approaches, it's time to think beyond the usual goals and set non-traditional resolutions that can spur your business to new heights. Here's a list of 25 innovative resolutions focused on various aspects of your business, from relationships and finance to health and cyber awareness.

1. Redefine Business Relationships

Evaluate and redefine your existing relationships. Are they mutually beneficial? Consider partnerships that align with your long-term goals and ethical stance, moving away from those that don't add value.

2. Revamp Corporate Finances

Look beyond traditional budgeting. Implement a financial health check-up and explore new investment opportunities. Consider technologies or strategies that could streamline costs and improve efficiency.

3. Boost Employee Engagement

Create a more dynamic, inclusive, and engaging work environment. Introduce initiatives like regular feedback sessions, team-building activities, and personal development opportunities to boost morale and productivity.

4. Innovative Corporate Leadership

Invest in leadership training that encourages innovation, empathy, and a forward-thinking mindset. Leaders should inspire and be equipped to guide through changing times.

5. Embrace Supplier Diversity

Actively seek out and work with suppliers from diverse backgrounds. This not only supports minority groups but also brings fresh perspectives and ideas into your business.

6. Support Non-Profits

Partner with non-profits that resonate with your company's values. This could involve volunteering, fundraising, or providing pro bono services. It's a way to give back and enhance your corporate social responsibility.

7. Move Away from Giants

Consciously reduce reliance on big corporations like Amazon. Seek out smaller, local, or niche market players. This supports smaller businesses and can often lead to more personalized service and products.

8. Work-Life Balance

Encourage a culture where work-life balance is respected. Implement flexible working hours, mental health days, and ensure that overtime is the exception, not the rule.

9. Organize Your Office

A clutter-free environment leads to a clutter-free mind. Organize physical and digital spaces, and encourage employees to do the same. Consider professional organizing services if needed.

10. Improve Storage Solutions

Evaluate your current storage solutions. Are they efficient and scalable? Look into innovative options like cloud storage or space-saving physical storage solutions.

11. Enforce Cleanliness

A clean workspace is a healthy one. Implement regular cleaning schedules, encourage employees to maintain personal hygiene, and consider air purifiers or plants to improve air quality.

12. Cyber Awareness and Training

In an age of increasing cyber threats, ensure that all team members are trained in cyber security. Regular updates on the latest threats and best practices can save your business from potential disasters.

13. Online Presence and Reputation

Audit and improve your online presence. Ensure your website, social media, and any listings accurately represent your business and appeal to your target audience. Reputation management services can be a worthwhile investment.

14. Get BBB Accredited

Earning accreditation from the Better Business Bureau (BBB) can enhance your reputation, showing potential customers that you're committed to fair, ethical practices.  GoVets became BBB-accredited a while back to become as transparent as possible with our customers believe it's worth it.  

15. Consider Pivoting Your Business

Don't be afraid to pivot. The market and world are always changing. Regularly assess if your current path is the most effective or if a new direction could open up better opportunities.

16. Secure Additional Cash

Having extra capital can help you quickly take advantage of new opportunities. Look into loans, investors, or grants that could provide the financial boost your business needs.

17. Expand Diverse Supplier Relationships

Beyond just embracing supplier diversity, actively seek to expand these relationships. Attend industry events and use databases to find suppliers that offer the unique products and services you need.

18. State and SBA Accreditation

Becoming accredited by your state or the Small Business Administration (SBA) can open up new opportunities, especially for government and large corporate contracts.

19. Innovate and Think Outside the Box

Encourage innovation at every level. Hold regular brainstorming sessions, and be open to ideas from all team members, regardless of their position.

20. Focus on Health: Diet

Encourage healthy eating habits within your team. Provide healthy snacks, and consider catering from businesses that prioritize nutritious options.

21. Focus on Health: Sleep

Recognize the importance of sleep. Encourage and respect boundaries so that employees can get adequate rest, leading to better performance and well-being.

22. Focus on Health: Exercise

Facilitate opportunities for exercise. Whether it's subsidizing gym memberships, organizing team sports, or introducing standing desks, promoting physical health is key.

23. Improve Decision-Making Process

Reevaluate how decisions are made in your organization. Consider more collaborative approaches or new data-driven methods to enhance the quality and speed of your decisions.

24. Develop a Strong Company Culture

Your company's culture is its backbone. Develop and nurture a culture that reflects your core values, mission, and vision. A strong culture attracts talent, retains employees, and improves performance.

25. Commit to Continuous Learning

The business world is ever-evolving. Commit to ongoing learning and development for yourself and your team. This could be through courses, workshops, webinars, or even a company book club.


Setting non-traditional resolutions for your business can lead to innovative growth and improvements across the board. By focusing on aspects like business relationships, corporate finances, employee engagement, and health, you can build a stronger, more resilient, and more successful business in the new year. Remember, the key to these resolutions is implementation. Set clear goals, create actionable plans, and regularly review your progress. Here's to a prosperous and fulfilling new year!